bloggy doodle

bloggy doodle (n. - blog-ee dood-l): a peek into the life of a teacher mama and police recruit daddy and their reasons for being: a brown-eyed, blonde-haired little boy and his furry, four-legged partner in crime...and coming soon, a baby girl!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Snips and Snails...

As much as I LOVE all things girly-girl, I just KNEW this baby was a boy.

1. The only gender dream I had involved a naked baby BOY performing a high-bar routine in my belly. (Don't ask.)

2. My mom had a dream about shopping with her grandSON. I must add that this was the one and only gender dream she has EVER had. It had to mean something!

3. The Charron Family Generation Gender Prediction Theory (developed by moi) states that every Charron girl will give birth to boys while every Charron boy will be blessed with daughters. Data (Cousin Julie = 2 boys; Cousin Brad = 2 girls) indicates that I am destined to have BOYS.

Even though Justin and I had these strong feelings about a boy, our reactions to the last ultrasound were best summed up in the words of Clark Griswold: "If I woke up tomorrow with my head sewn to the carpet, I wouldn't be more surprised than I am now."

Justin is super excited about a boy to carry on the Haydock name. And for me, I am thinking about all the time I will save NOT fussing over curls, braids, and wardrobe choices...well, at least for now!

NEXT UP: The Player To Be Named

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Change of plans!

The plan to post highlights from our Italy-France trip got pushed aside by something far more exciting:

Baby Haydock is due August 4, 2010!

We are thrilled to share updates with friends, family, and anybody who will listen!

Stay tuned...